As of January 2015, Daalimpex (part of the Kloosterboer Group) will begin with the sustainable expansion of the existing cold storage facility in Velsen. The cold store is to be expanded with a capacity of 40,000 pallets / 150,000 m3 and will undergo a solar panel installation of up to 10,000 panels rendering it unique in the Netherlands. The expansion will result in a sharp increase in the existing cargo loads.
Increase in load
As a result of sustainable fishing in recent years, there are higher fishing quotas and more trading outlets. In the up coming years, Daalimpex expects therefore, a significant increase in loads for the shipping service to and from Norway as well as from the Barents Sea. Furthermore they expect a rise in the volumes from countries such as Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands and Scotland. In addition, next year the import duty on products from Canada will be decreased from 21% to 0% meaning that alongside the existing fish loads, more berries, lobster and salmon will be shipped to Velsen. The facility in Velsen is set to become more and more like a global consolidation centre bringing buyers and sellers of fish together.
Container depot
With this future increase in extra load, the current quay facilities are no longer sufficient. There are plans, therefore, for a new quay on the North Sea Canal to create sufficient berths for the expected number of ships. Due to the increase in the extensive container flows, space for a future container depot will be allowed for.
Track and trace
The new building, with a capacity of 40,000 pallets / 150,000 m3, will be partly equipped with mobile racking so that individual pallets can be fully traced. This forms part of Daalimpex’s preparations for future business where it is expected that more cargo will be marked with barcoding. Barcoding enables cargo to be tracked from origin to final destination.
Daalimpex’s expansion will be built sustainably and the aim is for this development to achieve the BREEAM 4 Star certificate rated “Excellent” upon completion. Examples of the planned sustainability include: LED lighting with intelligent management software, outstanding insulation of the building, the use of high spec and sustainable building materials and in-house developed software to ensure the cooling system is both economical in energy consumption and extremely efficient. BREEAM is the most important sustainability mark of approval for buildings worldwide. Kloosterboer has already been awarded the BREEAM certificate ‘Very Good’ for its previous expansion at Maasvlakte.
Sun panels
Both the roof of the new building and the existing facility with be equipped with solar panels. Initially there will be an installation of 4,000 solar panels with an ultimate goal to expand this number to 10,000. This will render the new building completely energy-neutral making it unique in the Netherlands. To provide a comparison, the overall energy yield of these panels corresponds to the annual energy consumption of 12,500 households.