Kloosterboer to receive first shipment of lemons ex Argentina

Kloosterboer to receive first shipment of lemons ex Argentina

Today, the first vessel of lemons ex Argentina, M.V. “Baltic Winter” is being discharged at Kloosterboer Vlissingen. The cargo is destined for the European market.

MV Baltic Winter is the first vessel in a series of eight. According to schedule, a vessel is expected every 2 weeks until August/mid-September. Commercial Manager Joost Heere expects the supply to be higher. The market is still very strong in Europe and due to the good harvest the supply is also available. The large volume that is expected in the coming period (on average almost 4,000 pallets per call for the first 4 arrivals and some even to 5,000 pallets including container capacity) is striking. The causes for conventional shipments are not only the large supply and strong market, but also the lack of reefer containers. This will be a double loss for the container shipping companies, because they are not getting the reefers available for export in Europe either.

The same trend in volumes we also see in South Africa with the upcoming citrus season with more or less the same causes. There we also see a high forecast at Kloosterboer Cool Port Rotterdam. We are ready to start the season at both location.